Sunday 18 October 2009

There's something comforting about a log cabin, I've always been into the shag pile chic of retro ski resorts, although the image at the top here is far more sophisticated than anything i had in mind. The 2nd image is taken from the website of interior designer Suzy Hoodless
That authentic rustic feel, with the stuffing coming out of the armchair, was by design i'll have you know! And unfortunately I lost the details of the bottom picture. I have a romantic notion that it's the interior of a russian dacha, but it's probably all props from a fashion shoot again.

1 comment:

  1. The bottom picture is probably taken in a small island Kihnu in Estonia. I don't belive it is taken somewhere in Russia. Tere are traditional red striped Kihnu skirts and blue-white mens'cardigan hanging on the wall. Actually they wearing this kind of clothes in Kihnu today too - old tradition are preserved there because of the separation of the mainland.
