Tuesday 14 July 2009


These are just two of the many brilliant final projects presented by the Industrial Design Engineering students at the RCA show.
Chiyu Chen: "Hybrid2 is a proposal of a public bike hire scheme highly integrating the whole public transport system to generate energy and reduce the consumption of energy by applying the energy users generate from pedaling public bikes to feed Hybrid Buses (reducing the use of petrol engines which power electric motors), and by encouraging
people to cycle more through blurring the boundary between the unit of energy and the unit of money. The more energy you generate, the more credit, which can be used for other public transport means, you gain back as the offset. Thus, the value of Hybrid2 is actually the sum of the energy generated and the energy reduced."

Chris Holden: "Cool India is a night time cooling system which mixes high tech materials with traditional skills and techniques to create low power, low cost cooling solution. It has been devised for the Indian market and has the additional benefit of providing protection from mosquitoes in the same way as a traditional mosquito net. As an enterprise proposition a “kit of parts” has been designed to enable effective and high quality production of the system at a local level. Community groups manufacture the textile element of the net giving women the opportunity to work from home.

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