Saturday, 4 April 2009

Private viewing

Top image is from Aleš Bravničar called "The Algerian shepperd". Printed to the exact width of my bed frame is an excellent visual aid when counting sheep ;D
Second row from left was a birthday gift from my husband. An oil on canvas painting by a very good friend and brilliant artist Neil Fuller. The city landscape print is only one of my many Etsy finds. It's an etching from Thomas J. Norulak called "Downtown Pittsbur
gh". I picked up the shabby Japanese print at a garage sale. Love the stylized foaming sea though.

My sons room must be the most colorful in the house. Here you can see a few more Etsy acquisitions and a pair of pretty Chinese 3D souvenirs bought from our local junk shop. The little birds and the flowers are made entirely out of bird feathers!

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